Improving Surveying Field Procedures Using the Total Station

Location: Distance Learning Course

2022 - 2023 On-line Individual$ 360.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


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If making payment by Purchase Order or Invoice, please call 1-813-419-8528.

This seminar discusses surveying with a total station. Angle measurements and distance measurements, plus the basics of GPS surveying will be discussed. Under angle measurements topics include correct observing procedures, errors caused by an instrument being out of adjustment, accuracy and precision, and how to determine the precision of your instrument. Under distance measurements topics covered include the characteristics of Electronic Distance Measurements (EDM's), retroprisms, and how to calibrate the EDM on your total station. GPS is here to stay, especially Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) for the practicing land surveyor, and this will be covered in detail.

This course should be of interest to those who practice surveying but also those who work in the civil engineering field, including county engineers, city engineers, public works officials, transportation engineers, DOT personnel, federal employees, contractors and consultants.

Fee: $360.00

Distance Learning Course

Distance Learning Course

James Reilly

Dr. James P. Reilly received his B.S. in Mining Engineering from Penn State and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Geodetic Science from Ohio State. After a varied career in engineering, University research and teaching, industrial and private consulting, Reilly currently serves as Department Head in the Department of Surveying Engineering at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces. Through his firm, Geodetic Enterprises, LLC., Reilly does GPS consulting and seminars on surveying applications and GPS. He writes a bi-monthly column, "The GPS Observer," for P.O.B. Magazine. Dr. Reilly is the current President of the American Congress of Surveyors and Mappers.


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