2007 National Readjustment of the North American Datum 1983 | V08G_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Accelerated Pavement Testing | V13S_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
ADA Self Evaluations/Transition Plans | V16F_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Aggregate Properties and Testing | V12J_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
An Overview of Electric Power Systems Engineering | V12A_23 | 240.00 | Ind Study |
Applied Mathematics for Engineers | V09C_23 | 360.00 | Ind Study |
Asphalt Binder Tests & Specifications | V10K_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Asphalt Mix Design | V13A_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities | V12D_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Bridge Load and Steel Girders | V15R_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Bridge LRFD Design | V15Q_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Business Ethics II - Social Responsibility & Corporate Performance | V10E_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Business Ethics I - Ethical Challenges in Business | V10D_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Buying or Selling an Engineering or Land Surveying Firm | V02C_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Commercial Nuclear Plant Regulation | V16J_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Common Sense Leadership | V19A_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Construction Surveying | V09D_23 | 240.00 | Ind Study |
Contract Administration: Change Order Basics | V03H_23 | 300.00 | Ind Study |
Contracts for Engineers and Surveyors | V10G_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Customers & Quality Planning | V21M_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Dealing with Human Error | V17C_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Decision-making Using Business Metrics | V14P_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Design of Steel and P/C Girders | V15S_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Design of Structural Steel Members using LRFD | V12G_23 | 360.00 | Ind Study |
Digital Marketing for Non-Marketing Professionals | V20K_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Effective Marketing of Professional Services | V10A_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Effective Problem Solving Methods | V17A_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Effective Quality Management Systems | V21K_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Electric Circuit Fundamentals for Power Applications | V05A_23 | 360.00 | Ind Study |
Electric Motors and Generators: DC Machines | V07K_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electric Motors and Generators: Fundamentals | V07F_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electric Motors and Generators: Power Electronic Control | V07H_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electric Motors and Generators: Single Phase Induction Machines | V07L_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electric Motors and Generators: Three Phase Induction Machines | V07G_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electric Motors and Generators: Three Phase Synchronous Machines | V07J_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electric Power System Protection: Component Protection | V05I_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electric Power System Protection: Fault Calculations | V05G_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electric Power System Protection: Fundamentals | V05E_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electric Power System Protection: Hardware | V05H_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electric Power System Protection: Line Protection | V05J_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electric Power System Protection: System Modeling | V05F_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electrical Power Systems: Fundamentals Review | V01F_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electrical Power Systems: Loads | V01H_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electrical Power Systems: Power Distribution Systems | V01G_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Electrical Power Systems: Protection | V01J_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Engineering Economic Analysis | V07B_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Erosion & Sediment Control Using Geosynthetics | V12E_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Erosion and Sediment Control: Erosion Control | V18L_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Erosion and Sediment Control: Managing Runoff | V18N_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Erosion and Sediment Control: Rules and Regulations | V18K_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Erosion and Sediment Control: Sediment Control | V18M_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Erosion and Sediment Control: Site Planning and Management | V18Q_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Erosion and Sediment Control: Soil Loss Modeling | V18P_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Error Proofing Essentials | V17E_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Essential Financial Skills 2 | V14T_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Essential Financial Skills I | V14K_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Essentials of Energy Management | V18A_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Essentials of Measurement Systems Analysis | V18D_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Essentials of Quality System Auditing | V18B_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Establishing Your Engineering/Surveying Practice | V10B_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Ethics and Professionalism | V10F_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Evaluation and Rating of Bridges | V15T_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) | V16P_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Foundations for Buildings | V08J_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Fundamentals of Electric Power Engineering | V20G_23 | 1440.00 | Ind Study |
Fundamentals of Operational Amplifiers | V09A_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Fundamentals of Roadway Design | V12C_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Geodesy for Engineers and Surveyors | V03A_23 | 360.00 | Ind Study |
Geosynthetics - An Overview of Design | V08L_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Geotechnical Failure Lessons | V13P_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Geotechnical Failures: Cases from the Field | V14C_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Great Surveyors & Their Surveys | V12B_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Ground Improvement | V13N_23 | 240.00 | Ind Study |
Heavy Highway Construction Surveying: Part 1 | V18G_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Heavy Highway Construction Surveying: Part 2 | V18H_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
History of Surveying Instruments: Impact and Accuracy | V00D_23 | 90.00 | Ind Study |
History of the Government Land Office | V08F_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Hot Mix Asphalt Compaction | V10J_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Hot Mix Asphalt Delivery & Placement | V10H_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Construction Specifications & Quality Control/Assurance | V10M_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
How to Change and Grow Your Engineering Revenue | V21D_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Improving Surveying Field Procedures Using the Total Station | V05B_23 | 360.00 | Ind Study |
Introduction to Industrial Robotics | V15M_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Introduction to Occupational Ergonomics | V14W_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Introduction to Quality Management | V21J_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Introduction to Statistically Designed Experiments | V20E_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Landfill: Basics of Design and Operation | V04L_23 | 360.00 | Ind Study |
Managing Change: A Process Model That Works | V16H_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Managing Project Risk(s) | V16Q_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Marine Spatial Planning: An Introduction to Protecting Ocean and Coastal Resources | V14M_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Mobile Robots: Design and Operation for Real-World Applications | V15P_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Numbers to People | V16A_23 | 0.00 | Ind Study |
On Time: Project Scheduling Basics | V03D_23 | 300.00 | Ind Study |
Overview of Elements of Public Right-of-Way Accessibility | V16G_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Pavement Management Systems | V10N_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Power Electronics | V08B_23 | 360.00 | Ind Study |
Power Quality: 60 Hz Voltage Problems | V11K_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Power Quality: Harmonics in Power Systems | V11L_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Power Quality: Transients | V11M_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Power Quality: Fundamentals | V11J_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Process Analysis for Problem Solving | V17B_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Professional Ethics for the Land Surveyor | V18F_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Project Management | V14N_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Railroad Infrastructure & Mobility: Freight & Passenger | V20F_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Rectangular Land System: Subdivision of Public Lands | V00F_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Reinforced Concrete Design: Axial Compression and Bending | V13J_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Reinforced Concrete Design: Development, Anchorage, and Lap Splices | V13H_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Reinforced Concrete Design: Flexure and Shear | V13G_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Reinforced Concrete Design: T-beams and Compression Reinforcement | V14Q_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Retaining Wall Design: Using Gabions | V15K_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Retracing and Proofing Original GLO Section Corners | V13E_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Reversing Urban Hydrology: Pervious Concrete | V16E_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Review of Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer | V15A_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Review of Convection Heat Transfer | V15B_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Rigid Retaining Wall Design: Geotechnical Aspects | V14F_23 | 300.00 | Ind Study |
Risk Management Essentials | V16B_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Risk Management: Tools & Techniques | V16C_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Rocket Propulsion I: Fundamentals of Expanding Gas Rockets | V20M_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Rocket Propulsion II: Foundations of Solid Rocket Motor Analysis | V21G_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Rocket Propulsion III: Liquid Propellant Rocket Propulsion | V21H_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Role of Engineers and Surveyors in GIS | V06G_23 | 360.00 | Ind Study |
Roundabouts 101 | V12F_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Selling and Negotiating for the Technical Professional | V14L_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Seven Simple Tools for Quality | V21N_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Shallow Foundations: Geotechnical Aspects of Design | V04H_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Shallow Foundations: Structural Design of Spread Footings | V04J_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Signals and Systems: Analog Transform Concepts | V06L_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Signals and Systems: Discrete Transform Concepts | V06M_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Signals and Systems: Fourier Concepts | V06K_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Signals and Systems: Fundamentals | V06J_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Soil Basics for Engineers | V00G_23 | 360.00 | Ind Study |
Soil Classification for Roads and Engineering | V08K_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Soils for Pavements | V06H_23 | 360.00 | Ind Study |
Solar Power | V13B_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
State Plane Coordinates | V01D_23 | 360.00 | Ind Study |
Stepper Motors | V18R_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Storm Water Drainage System Design | V08A_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Storm Water Hydrographs and Their Use | V08C_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Stormwater Infiltration Design with Pervious Concrete | V13C_23 | 240.00 | Ind Study |
Surveying with GPS | V07D_23 | 300.00 | Ind Study |
Sustainable Pavements: Part 1 | V13L_23 | 240.00 | Ind Study |
Sustainable Pavements: Part 2 | V14J_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Symmetrical Components | V13D_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Technical Speaking: Presentation Skills for Engineers and Technical Professionals | V12K_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Technically Speaking: Part 2- Leadership Essentials for Engineers and Technical Professionals | V14H_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Temporary Traffic Control | V17H_23 | 240.00 | Ind Study |
Ten Essential: Common Sense Principles for Business | V16D_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
The Art of Land Surveying | V11N_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
The Colonial Land System and the Building of America | V00E_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
The Pincushion Effect | V07A_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
The Smart Grid: A Primer | V15F_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
The Use of Magnetic Instruments in Land Surveying | V11B_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Tips for Auditing ISO 9001, IATF 16949 & AS 9100 Quality Systems | V18C_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Tools for Problem Solving | V17D_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Tort Liability and Ethics for Public Agencies | V03G_23 | 300.00 | Ind Study |
Transformers | V07N_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Understanding AS 9100D | V17F_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Understanding Boundary Law, Case Law and Principles of Surveying | V05C_23 | 360.00 | Ind Study |
Understanding IATF 16949 | V17G_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Understanding ISO 13485: Medical Device Quality Management Systems | V22A_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Understanding ISO 14001: 2015 | V16T_23 | 64.00 | Ind Study |
Understanding ISO 9001: 2015 | V16N_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Understanding the Second Law of Thermodynamics for Gases | V15H_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Unpaved Low Volume Road Design, Construction and Maintenance | V04K_23 | 540.00 | Ind Study |
Using Data for Decision Making | V20D_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Using Data for Process Improvement | V20A_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Using Distributions for Process Improvement | V20B_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Using Process Control Charts | V20C_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |
Vertical Datums and Leveling | V01C_23 | 360.00 | Ind Study |
When Disaster Strikes- Contingency Planning | V16R_23 | 80.00 | Ind Study |
Wind Power | V12M_23 | 180.00 | Ind Study |
Writing Effectively: Written Communication Skill for Engineers and Technical Professionals | V14A_23 | 160.00 | Ind Study |