Hot Mix Asphalt Delivery & Placement

2022 - 2023 On-line Individual$ 80.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


A valid MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express credit card will be required for on-line payment.

If making payment by Purchase Order or Invoice, please call 1-833-419-8528.

In order to obtain a durable, smooth, long-lasting Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavement, it is essential that the mix delivery and placement operations be performed according to "Best Construction Practices". Attention to detail is a recurring theme during the course lecture as participants discover the challenges involved in obtaining quality HMA pavements. Course materials cover all aspects of the HMA placement operation from the type of delivery trucks used to the various components of the paver and how they operate. An exam is offered that will review key elements in proper delivery and placement of HMA mixtures.

Fee: $80.00



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