The Use of Magnetic Instruments in Land Surveying
Description | Amount |
2022 - 2023 On-line Individual | $ 180.00 |
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The theme of this video will be the application of magnetic surveying instruments on original and retracement surveys. These instruments include the compass, survey compass, telescope compass, transit and other special use instruments such as the solar compass and solar transit. Special emphasis will be placed on using magnetic declination and the methods used to correct magnetic to True North. Different methods will be explained on the conversion of magnetic bearings to true bearings on retracement surveys using NOAA's on line conversion table for any year from 1650 to present. Applying the corrected survey bearing to an old retracement survey will allow you to analyze the information for correctness and accuracy. Presented will be information on how the early history of magnetic attraction was discovered and became the compass used in astronomy, navigation, artillery, mapping and compass surveying, and the important role it played in the development of civilization. Current research by NGSinto gravity and declination and the role it plays in modern GPSadjustments. Pictures of many original instruments will be included in the Video presentation.
Fee: | $180.00 |
Hours: | 3.00 |
CEUs: | 0.30 |
Milton Denny
Milton E. Denny is a registered surveyor in seven states, received his certificate in Land Boundary Surveys from the University of Illinois and a veteran of surveying, mapping and GIS. His special interest has always been in project development and management of firms. He is a past president of the Alabama Society of Professional Land Surveyors, a Fellow in the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and served for many years on the Board of Direction. Mr. Denny is the author of many manuals dealing with surveying, mapping and GIS. He is a nationally known speaker and lecturer on these subjects and writes a column called “The Business Side” for a trade magazine. He was instrumental in the starting of a new member organization in the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping called the “Geographic and Land Information Society and served as the first president. Mr. Denny recently finished publishing a book on the history of surveying measurement call “Surveying The Land: Survey Measurement Devices 1620 to 1920”. He also does a first person presentation of the Colonial Surveyor Andrew Ellicott. Since retirement he has formed the firm of Denny Enterprise, LLC to better serve the surveying and mapping community. He is currently working at off campus locations for Auburn University teaching basic and advanced surveying for the Alabama Department of Transportation. He is available for consulting on many different issues, including Buying and Selling a Company, Business Planning, Future of Surveying Technology, and Training at both the entry and advanced level for field and office personnel.