Decision-making Using Business Metrics

Location: Distance Learning Course

2022 - 2023 On-line Individual$ 180.00

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Metrics are measures which we use to help us with decisions. A metric is a measuring system that quantifies a trend, dynamic, or characteristic. In almost all disciplines practitioners use metrics to explain phenomena, diagnose causes, share findings, and project the results of future events. These are used to in our decision making processes. They allow us to compare our current state with our forecasted state. They allow us to compare our business to our competitors. Dr. Butler will present the process used to develop basic metrics we use in our decision making processes for business. From rationale decision making to heuristics decision making, general metrics employed in business are presented. These include internal (company) and external (market) metrics; and forward looking versus backward looking metrics.

Fee: $180.00

Distance Learning Course

Distance Learning Course

Danny Butler

Dr. Danny Butler is a Thomas Walter Center Professor at Auburn University. He has received awards for outstanding research in Services Marketing and Marketing Education. Dr. Butler has received 28 teaching awards from the college, university, and international organizations. He has taught academic courses at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive level. These include Marketing Management, International Marketing Operations, Marketing Research, Entrepreneurship and the Commercialization of Technology, International Supply Chain Management, and Health Care Marketing. Dr. Butler works jointly in the College of Business and the College of Engineering in the Business Engineering Technology program where he helps commercialize technology. Dr. Butler has led student teams in China, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and the United Kingdom. Dr. Butler has developed and presented Executive Development programs for numerous global companies.


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