Risk Management Professional Certificate

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Identifying, understanding, quantifying and mitigating risks are key functions of Engineers and Managers. There are a multitude of potential risks for businesses today that engineers are often called on to identify and mitigate. The Risk Management certificate series consists of practical courses using real world examples. The body of knowledge in this series is increasingly relevant for your engineering career This series is for anyone in technical, leadership or management positions; but can be especially beneficial to those who are responsible for project, process, or general business management since these functions all involve managing risks.

Risk may be defined as a combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and severity of that harm to individuals or businesses. In any business or project endeavor risk management should be a key consideration. The Risk Management certificate series is intended to provide practical information for developing and implementing an effective risk management process using proven tools and techniques.

Risk Management Professional Certificate: 5 courses, 9 hours, 0.9 CEUs, DVDs, $656
    - Risk Management Essentials- V16B, 2 hours
    - Risk Managment Tools and Technicques- V16C, 2 hours
    - Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA)- V16P, 2hours
    - Managing Project Risk(s)- V16Q, 2 hours
    - When Disaster Strikes- Contingency Planning- V16R, 1 hour

The instructor for the Risk Management certificate series is Davis M. Woodruff, PE, an Auburn Engineering graduate with over three decades of real-world experience serving clients on 3 continents and in 35 states. He uses a practical approach based on real world experiences.

This DVD certificate packaging includes the 10% quantity discount. If purchasing additional courses add courses individually to your cart in order to receive the bonus discount for those courses as well.

$12 flat rate shipping per order available in the U.S. (excluding Hawaii and Alaska)

There are no scheduled sessions at this time. Sign up to be notified when this course is available.

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